Katie Dever opens the Fáilte Abhaile Festival 31/7/03

A large crowd attended the opening of the Fáilte Abhaile Festival at Glór na dTonn and enjoyed a spirited performance by Sandy Kelly and band. A full bar was provided by Corraun House (The George) and the dancing and reminiscing with old friends continued into the early hours.

Fáilte Abhaile Festival Events

The Final Calendar of events has now been announced.
Thursday July 31st Déardaoin 31 Lúil
Mass to celebrate festival opening
and welcome our friends home.
7.00pm, Belfarsad
Social Evening
8.00pm Glór na dTonn
Sandy Kelly and Band, Full Bar
Oíche Shoisialta I nGlór na dTonn
Ceol agus craic
Friday August 1st An Aoine 1 Lúnasa
Golf Gailf
Childrens Art workshop in Glór na dTonn Ceardlann don aos óg I nGlór na dTonn
Presentation of golf prizes, The Compass Bar Bronnadh na duaiseanna comórtas gailf
Saturday August 2nd An Sathairn 2 Lúnasa
Treasure Hunt 12.00pm Glór na dTonn Tóraíocht Taisce
Yawl Race, 4.00pm In front of The George Rás Yawl
Presentation of Yawl Race prizes Bronnadh duaiseanna don Rás Yawl
Sunday August 3rd An Domhnach 3 Lúnasa
Football- Currane v. Clare Island Cluiche peile An Currán v. Oiléan Cléire
Football presentation, The George
Heritage Day- Strawboys, crafts Lá Oidhreachta- Cleamairí, ceirdeanna
Monster Bingo 7.30pm sharp Glór na dTonn Bingo Ollmhór
Céilí Mór 10.30pm, Glór na dTonn Céilí
Monday August 4th An Luan 4 Lúnasa
Sports Day inc. adult race Lá Spoirt/ rás do na daoine Fásta
Slán Abhaile Social at Ostán Oileán Acla (over 18’s only) Dinnéar an Fhéile in Ostán Oileán Acla


Fáilte Abhaile Festival closing event tickets.

The closing event of the Fáilte Abhaile Festival will take place on the evening of August 4th at Alice’s. There will be a finger buffet, the band will be Cheers. The event is for over 18’s only and tickets are now available. The price per person is 15.00 euro. Book your tickets now to avoid disapointment. Call Fáilte Abhaile Festival Chairman Margaret Gallagher on (098) 45025.

Buy your Currane Calendar 2003

A calendar has been produced to raise funds for Féile Fáilte Abhaile Pobal a’Chorráin 2003. The calendar is in the format of a large poster (610mm deep x 430mm wide) and is printed full colour on high quality stock. As well as practical information about the festival there is also a usable calendar and there are many photographs depicting life in Currane etc.
The calendar will therefore make an excellent christmas gift, giving owners a reminder of Currane to hang on their walls and take pleasure out of every day.
The design work for the calendar was donated free of charge by Currane.net. Special thanks go to Micheál Joyce at Waugh Print, Dublin for printing the calendars. All proceeds go directly to the Fáilte Abhaile committee.
The calendar will be on sale at Currane church following mass on Sunday December 15th.