The work carried out was as follows:
• The entrance to Casadh an Taoille was made wheelchair accessible.
• The parking area around the Church was lined out and the cattle grid was removed and re-welded.
• The flower beds around the Church were dug and new flowers and shrubs set.
• The inside and outside of Glór na dTonn, the Church porch, the store room, and parts of Casadh an Taoille were painted.
• The ground outside exit doors was painted with special safety paint.
• A wall was built around the Cillín at Gob na bPáistí in Mewillian.
• A sign was erected around the Cillín at Clochán.
• A new fence was erected around the football pitch at Bollinglanna and new shrubs were set.
• The road to Aith an Aoil was maintained on several occasions.
• In Glór na dTonn the floor was swept and washed weekly, the toilets and kitchen cleaned daily, tables, chairs and stage moved as required and fixtures and fittings repaired or replaced as necessary.
• A meals-on-wheels service was provided daily, along with day care on a Wednesday.
All participants took part in training schemes such as Health & Safety, Stonework and Tiling, while some took part in an ECDL computer course.
The new scheme starts on 2nd December and an ambitious programme of work has been drawn up.
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