Ar an 21iú de Deire Fomhar thug an t-Aire Pobal, Tuaílle agus Gaeltachta, Éamon Ó Cuív, cuairt ar an Corrán le Casadh an Taoille, ionad gniomhaíocht, a oscailt go h-oifigiúil.
Chuir Micheál Seoighthe, Cathairleach Mhuintir a’Chorráin, failte oifigiúil roimh an Aire, athreoraí turas den Ionad IT, seomra dochtúra, seomra cruinnithe, cístin agus teach niachán.
Ina dhiaidh sin i Glór na dTónn, labhar an Cathairleach faoi an obair agus ar na feidhmeána eile a chuireadh ar bún le cuig bliana dheag anuas. Chuir sé feabhas ar shaol an phobáil.
Mhól an t-Aire Muintir a’Chorráin ar a gcuid oibre. Nuair a labhair sé faoi bhas Donncha Ó Gallcobhair, bhí gach duine paírtéach leis in a bhrón. D’admhaigh sé an méid obair a rinne Donnchá ar mhaitheas an Chorráin agus an pharáiste nuair a d’eirigh sé as cursaí pólaitiochtá.
Labhair an t-Aire freisin ar eolas ón tuairisc Commisiun na Gaeltachta. Gheall sé cuidiú leis na Gaeltachtaí a bhfuil lág chun an teangá a neartádh agus a chur chun cinn.
Chun bióuchás a ghlacadh leis, bhrón Micheál Seoighthe an t-Aire le pictúir “Breacadh an lae sa Corrán” ó Jane Steger-Lewis.
Tareis an oraíd agus an brontánnas, cás an t-Aire le toscaireacht ó Muintir a’Chorráin a bhí ag cuir siós faoi rudaí atá ag teastaíl sa phobáil cosuil mar boithre, ceibheanna agus teileachumairsáid.
Tag: Glór na dTonn
Muintir a’Chorráin goes Online!

Minister opens Casadh an Taoille

On Monday 21st October, the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, Éamon Ó Cuív, visited Currane to officially open Casadh an Taoille, our Enterprise Centre.
Rain and wind did not deter a large crowd who came to welcome the Minister to the area.
The Minister was officially welcomed by Mícheál Seoighthe, Chairman of Muintir a’Chorráin, who conducted a tour of the facility: the IT Centre, Doctor’s Surgery, meeting room, kitchen & laundry.
Afterwards, in Glór na dTonn, the Chairman spoke about the facility and how it, along with the other amenities that have been developed in the area in the last 15 years, had enhanced the lives of those in the community.
In his reply, the Minister praised Muintir a’Chorráin for the achievements and the sentiments he expressed on the loss of Donncha Ó Gallchobhair were shared by all those present. He acknow-ledged the central role played by Donncha in the develop-ment of the parish and how unselfishly he committed himself in this field when he retired from the national political scene.
The Minister also spoke of the findings from the Gaeltacht Commission’s report. He promised that every help and support would be given to the weak Gaeltachtaí to promote and strengthen the use of Irish there if that was their wish.
To thank him for visiting, Mícheál Seoighthe presented the Minister with a painting, “Daybreak in Currane,” by local artist Jane Steger-Lewis.
After the speeches and presentation, the Minster met with a delegation from Muintir a’Chorráin to discuss the needs of the community, including roads, piers and telecommunications.
What is Muintir a’Chorráin?

The Directors are elected at the Annual General meeting, which is open to all members of the community. The Directors have a legal responsibility to ensure that the company is solvent and are liable for any debts incurred by the company.
Why have a company?
Any group of people can get together to develop an area. However, most State and EU agencies and NGOs will only provide grant aid to incorporated bodies (companies), so by forming a company we have been able to receive significant amounts of funding that would not otherwise have been available to us. It’s all down to being legally responsible.
So what do we do?
The remit covers any kind of development or activity that would benefit the people of Currane. So, for example, building the community centre and enterprise centre, running a community minibus and sponsoring job initiative and FÁS schemes are some of our achievements.
Current projects include repair of our piers, fighting for a continuation of the FÁS scheme, promoting the Irish language and culture, fundraising for dressing rooms at Griffin Park, and campaigning for upgrades to infrastructure such as roads and the telephone network.
How can you help?
Get involved. Come to the AGM and stand for election to the board or volunteer for a sub-committee. We meet only once a month, and an effort of just a couple of hours a week can make a real difference to all of our lives.
Your community needs you!
Old Folks Christmas Party 2002
The Currane Old Folks Christmas Party took place at Glór na dTonn on Friday 13th December.
Minister Éamon Ó Cuiv visits Currane
On Monday 21st October, Minister Éamon Ó Cuiv visited Currane to officially open the Enterprise Centre, Casadh an Taoille. He also launched the brochure produced by Comhlacht Forbartha Áitiúil Acla (Achill Local Development Company) and met with several community groups.
Minister Ó Cuiv was presented with a watercolour – “Daybreak in Currane” – by a local artist, in recognition of his visit.
After the formal part of the visit, Minister Ó Cuiv met with Muintir a’Chorráin (Currane Development Company) who raised several issues including telecommunications, FÁS Schemes, roads, piers, planning permission and development of changing facilities at the community pitch, Griffin Park.
A successful evening was rounded off with a plentiful supply of refreshments provided by the Ladies Club.
Currane Ladies make Clamoraí hats
Dressing Rooms Fundraising Appeal

Please help us build a place to change!
Sponsor a Block!
In the mid 1990s, thanks to a generous donation from John Griffin, Muintir a’Chorráin were able to purchase the pitch in Bollinglanna on behalf of the community. The pitch provides a safe, well equipped place for anyone in the community to play a range of sports. As well as various Currane teams, it has also played host to Achill Rovers and Mulranny.
But one facility is missing…a place for players to change into their kit before an event, and to shower and change afterwards.
Muintir a’Chorráin, the Currane community development company, hopes to rectify this. Plans have been drawn up for a suitable facility, which will cost in the region of €190,000. We have approached Roinn na Gaeltachta for support in the form of grant aid, and there is a good chance that we will receive 50% of the required sum. Now we need to raise the other €95,000.
We are appealing to the people of Currane, people with roots in Currane and people with an interest in Currane to help.
Various fundraising events are in the planning stages, and details will be released as soon as they are finalised, but you can help us now!
We are asking you to “Sponsor A Block” of the new Dressing Rooms. For €100 you (or your family or group) can become the proud “owner” of one of the concrete blocks that will be used to construct the building.
You will receive a certificate showing your “block number” and your name will be included on a commemorative plaque and on the Appeal website. (If, however, you do not want anyone to know about your generosity, your donation will be treated as “anonymous”).
Please help provide a better facility for our young (and not so young!) sports men and women.
If you can help us, please download, print and complete a donation form (PDF document, requires Acrobat Reader) and return it along with your cheque for €100 (or the equivalent in US$ or UK£). Alternatively you may contact one of the committee members: Mary O’Malley 098-45265, John Joe McNamara 098-45638, Alistair Steger-Lewis 098-45858
Thank you for your help.
Dressing Rooms Fundraising Appeal
Muintir a’Chorráin, the Currane Community Development Company, has launched an appeal to raise funds to build dressing room facilities at Griffin Park, the community pitch in Bollinglanna. Various events will be organised but the main venture is to appeal for “sponsors” for each block of the building. Individuals or groups may sponsor one or more blocks for a minimum donation of €100 per block. Click here for further details.
Cookery demonstration
On Wednesday 19/12/01 Michael MacNamara kindly agreed to demonstrate his cookery skills to the Ladies Club. Eleven different courses were created for our delectation- we were able to taste them all- delicious! The dish below shows Michaels roast duck with red cabbage.
A great way to spend a cold winters evening.
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