Saturday afternoon at The George after the Yawl Race.
Tag: Events
Katie Dever opens the Fáilte Abhaile Festival 31/7/03
A large crowd attended the opening of the Fáilte Abhaile Festival at Glór na dTonn and enjoyed a spirited performance by Sandy Kelly and band. A full bar was provided by Corraun House (The George) and the dancing and reminiscing with old friends continued into the early hours.
Bonfire Night
Pol na gCapall had a big turn out for bonfire night. For once the weather was great!
Fáilte Abhaile Festival Events

Fáilte Abhaile Festival closing event tickets.
The closing event of the Fáilte Abhaile Festival will take place on the evening of August 4th at Alice’s. There will be a finger buffet, the band will be Cheers. The event is for over 18’s only and tickets are now available. The price per person is 15.00 euro. Book your tickets now to avoid disapointment. Call Fáilte Abhaile Festival Chairman Margaret Gallagher on (098) 45025.
Sponsored Walk – Welcome Home Festival
Sponsored Walk in aid of the Welcome Home Festival 1/06/03
Blessing of the Boats 2003
The annual Blessing of the Boats took place at Darby’s Point on Saturday 31/5/03. The weather was not great however.
Yawl Racing Dates
Date & Time | Event | Presentation / Venue |
Friday 11th July 7.00pm |
Achill Seafood Festival Race | J Pattens, Derreens |
Saturday 12th July 2.00pm |
Mulranny Mediterranean Heather Festival Cup | Daly’s Mulranny 6.00pm |
Saturday 12th July 3.30pm |
Curraun Fisheries Cup | Dohertys Pub, Mulranny 7.00pm |
Sunday 13th July 3.00pm |
Clare Island Cup | Bay View Hotel, Clare Island |
Saturday 26th July 5.30pm |
Alice Sweeney Memorial Cup | Ostan Oilean Acla, Achill Sound |
Sunday 27th July 6.00pm |
Patrick McLoughlin Memorial Cup | J McLoughlin’s, Achill Sound |
Saturday 2nd August 4.00pm | John F Patten Memorial Cup (in front of The George) |
Compass Bar, Curraun |
Sunday 3rd August | 12.00pm Cleveland/Achill Heritage Cup
1.00pm Official Opening by Her Excellency The Mayoress of Cleveland |
J McLoughlin’s, Achill Sound |
Friday 8th August 3.00pm |
Cowley’s Cottage Restaurant Double Ender Yawl Race (in front of The George) |
The George Bar, Curraun |
Saturday 9th August 3.00pm |
Inishbiggle Festival Race | Inishbiggle |
Sunday 10th August 5.00pm |
Bernard Masterson Memorial Cup | The Way Inn, Tonragee |
Monday 11th August 6.00pm |
John A McNulty Perpetual Cup | Ted Lavelle’s Pub, Cashel |
Tuesday 12th August 6.30pm |
Achill Sound Hotel Cup | Achill Sound Hotel |
Wednesday 13th August 6.30pm |
West Mayo Fishermen’s Co-Op Cup (Achill Sound) | The Way Inn, Tonragee |
Thursday 14th August 7.30pm |
John Corrigan Memorial Cup | Ostán Oileán Acla, Achill Sound |
Saturday 23rd August 4.00pm |
All Girl’s Yawl Race | Achill Sound Hotel |
Sunday 24th August 5.00pm |
Seamus Patten Memorial Cup (Yawl Man’s) | Patten’s Pub, Derreens |
Saturday 6th September 3.30pm |
Patten’s Bar Cup | Patten’s Pub, Derreens |
Sunday 7th September 3.30pm |
Johnny Patten Memorial Cup | Patten’s Pub, Derreen |
Bernadette Madden’s 40th
Bernadette Madden (who, by the way barely looks 30) celebrated her birthday with a few friends at The George on January 25th.
Minister opens Casadh an Taoille
Ar an 21iú de Deire Fomhar thug an t-Aire Pobal, Tuaílle agus Gaeltachta, Éamon Ó Cuív, cuairt ar an Corrán le Casadh an Taoille, ionad gniomhaíocht, a oscailt go h-oifigiúil.
Chuir Micheál Seoighthe, Cathairleach Mhuintir a’Chorráin, failte oifigiúil roimh an Aire, athreoraí turas den Ionad IT, seomra dochtúra, seomra cruinnithe, cístin agus teach niachán.
Ina dhiaidh sin i Glór na dTónn, labhar an Cathairleach faoi an obair agus ar na feidhmeána eile a chuireadh ar bún le cuig bliana dheag anuas. Chuir sé feabhas ar shaol an phobáil.
Mhól an t-Aire Muintir a’Chorráin ar a gcuid oibre. Nuair a labhair sé faoi bhas Donncha Ó Gallcobhair, bhí gach duine paírtéach leis in a bhrón. D’admhaigh sé an méid obair a rinne Donnchá ar mhaitheas an Chorráin agus an pharáiste nuair a d’eirigh sé as cursaí pólaitiochtá.
Labhair an t-Aire freisin ar eolas ón tuairisc Commisiun na Gaeltachta. Gheall sé cuidiú leis na Gaeltachtaí a bhfuil lág chun an teangá a neartádh agus a chur chun cinn.
Chun bióuchás a ghlacadh leis, bhrón Micheál Seoighthe an t-Aire le pictúir “Breacadh an lae sa Corrán” ó Jane Steger-Lewis.
Tareis an oraíd agus an brontánnas, cás an t-Aire le toscaireacht ó Muintir a’Chorráin a bhí ag cuir siós faoi rudaí atá ag teastaíl sa phobáil cosuil mar boithre, ceibheanna agus teileachumairsáid.
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