I suppose it was inevitable, there have been rumours for the last few years, but it’s very sad news all the same. For the community and for all of the alumni. So soon after the Centenary too. Here’s the story from the Mayo News.
Tag: Currane NS
NS Centenary pictures from Patrick Fallon
Patrick Fallon’s pictures of the Fáilte Abhaile and Currane National School Centenary, 2013.
Currane National School Centenary
Ian Boyle has made a video/slideshow of images of Currane National School and the Community to celebrate the schools centenary in 2013.
John Hoban has kindly provided the music. The track is Hollow Bones.
Currane National School Centennial
Celebrations start tonight and continue over the weekend. There is a special mass at 8.pm this evening (Aug 2nd) and celebrations continue in Glór na dTonn afterwards.
Is Currane National School Closing?
I decided to go straight to the ‘horses mouth’ and ask the Department of Education. I’m impressed that they even replied to my email to be honest. Anyway, they’ve confirmed that the school hasn’t closed. Of course, this doesn’t mean that it won’t at some point in the future.
I’m so pleased to hear this. I know this is a ‘non-news’ story but no news is good news sometimes and it’s better to know, rather than listen to rumour.
This is what the School Capital Appraisal Section, Department of Education and Skills had to say;
I refer to you email below regarding Currane NS, Gob a Choire, Achill, Co Mayo.
I can confirm that this school is still open, the enrolment was 11 in 2012. The staffing was Principal only.
I hope this information is of assistance to you.
So, there we are. I’m glad I asked.
Welcome Home News: A message from Sinéad Ní Mháille
Fáilte Abhaile Festival – Three weeks and counting!
Hi all,
I’m dropping a note to remind everyone that the Fáilte Abhaile Festival 2007 is just about three weeks away now and the clock is certainly ticking. Most of the main events have been organised at this stage and the final programme will be completed and circulated within the next week.
As you probably know, events include golf, yawl racing, family sports day, family barbecue and trad session, photo exhibition, ceili and a special mass to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the church.
The closing buffet will take place on Monday night 6th August in Ostán Oileáin Acla (Alice’s to you and me!) and tickets are now on sale at €20 per person. There is a limited number of tickets available for this night and you can arrange to book tickets now with Helen Gallagher (086-4063675). Some tickets will be for sale over the Festival weekend but none on the door on the night.
You can also now buy or place orders for the souvenir polo shirts which have a special 2007 logo designed by the kids in Currane National School and the Ógras group. Shirts are €25 and you can contact Michéal Ruddy at (086-4077666) for yours. Kids shirts are available too for €5.
Finally and most importantly, we really, really need volunteers to help out with events throughout the weekend. We have kids art workshops on Friday, a teen disco on Friday night, family treasure hunt on Saturday, barby on Saturday afternoon and football on Sunday. There’s also a clean up of the village the weekend before the Festival, not to mention traffic management and stewarding for the sport events in particular.
If you are willing to help out with any of these events please let any of the Committee know or reply by email. We also have a meeting scheduled after mass on every Sunday between now and the Festival so please come along.
If everyone helps out a little bit, even for an hour or two over the whole weekend, we can make sure that the Festival is a great success and a great weekend for everyone.
Looking forward to seeing you all in Currane in a few weeks. Please feel free to anyone with Currane connections or affections.
Library Update
A big thank-you to everyone who has contributed books to our library. We now have in the region of 2200 books, 75% of which have been donated.
A particular thank-you to Brendan Gallagher and Shirley Madden (USA) who very generously donated money for us to buy new books. These special books are in memory of Sheila Gallagher, Catherine Tom Gallagher, Mary Joyce and James and Margaret Madden.
We are very busy every Wednesday with the children from the school and would love to see other people from the village benefiting from this brilliant facility. All new members are very welcome.
New opening hours for the summer are;
Wednesday – 1-2pm
Friday – 1-2pm.
Currane NS at Christmas 2002
The Christmas play at Currane National School took place on December 17th. Father Christmas also paid a visit.
Currane Sports- 5/08/02
The Annual Currane Sports event took place today (August 5th) at Griffin Park. The weather stayed dry for the event. The children had a great time.
Currane National School Fundraiser – Spring 2001
The evening was a great success.
The Board of Management of Currane National School would like to thank all who took part. £630 was raised for the school library.
The evening comprised a table quiz, raffle, the official handover of the new football kit kindly donated by Tommy Moran (Connecticut and Currane) and the auction of the old football kit. There was a photographic display of past and present sporting events at Currane School. A special surprise presentation also took place, Anne Chambers, head of Currane National School is celebrating 25 years in the teaching profession.
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