AT A TIME when rural decay and the future of the West is such a live topic, the spirit and initiative shown by the different communities in the Curraun Peninsula would indicate that there are people who believe that the way forward is not by crying about these things but by taking positive action in their own areas and thereby ensuring the various state agencies will respond to their efforts.
In Tonragee, Owenduff, Polranny a development committee has put forward positive proposals for improving their area and they meet on a regular basis. A shellfish fishing co-operative has been formed. Share capital has been provided by twelve members, oysters have been planted in a joint venture with Udarás na Gaeltachta.
Belfarsad/Polrannv also have an active committee that has participated in a FAS scheme to improve parking facilities at Belfarsad church and further works are contemplated. Some individuals have also invested in shellfish farming. A plan to re-stock some of the lakes in the area along with improving better access has been put forward and an application for funding from EC structural funds has been made.
Since the beginning of the eighties many things have been achieved in the Curraun area. A fund-raising effort to build a community centre was initiated. A weekly bus service for Polranny, Belfarsad, Curraun, Doughbeg and Cushlecka was provided by Bus Eireann. A new pier and access was provided at Aith an Aoil. Work here was under the guidance of Mayo Co. Council and FAS with grant aid from Roinn na Gaeltachta. A football field was purchased and developed at Bollinglanna.
A FAS scheme sponsored by Udaras na Gaeltachta has carried out various works for the community. These include the provision of a car park at the church and the painting of same. Coffey contractors did much of the major works. This coincided with the contract for the public water supply provided by Mayo C.C. and the Dept. of the Environment for Curraun, Belfarsad and Polranny. It is hoped that the remaining extension of this scheme for Tonragee and Owenduff will be undertaken without any undue delay.
A new playing field was provided at Curraun school and major renovations and painting of Curraun school was done by voluntary effort in co-operation with the school management board.
Under the direction of Mayo C.C. and with assistance from Roinn na Gaeltachta and FAS further improvements are being carried out at Aith an Aoil. A new access road is planned.
However by far the most ambitious project undertaken by the local committee is the provision of a new community centre. The building is in the school grounds and is linked directly to the national school. The estimated cost of the work is £169,000. A maximum grant of £50,000 is being paid by Roinn na Gaeltachta. This is less than a third of estimated cost. This grant was forthcoming because of the fact that the committee had a substantial sum collected.
Monsignor William Dever laid the first block for the new centre. The building is now well on the way to completion but the heavy cost is going to place a tremendous burden on the community who have been most generous in their support of functions organised locally.
However, they are heartened by the efforts and work of neighbouring communities in Mulranny, Ballycroy and Tiernaur in providing similar facilities in their own areas and also by the initiative of those who have done so much to provide the hospital in Keel.
The task of completing this work will be difficult for the local community. It is hoped that there will be a generous response to a raffle which is organised for fund-raising when collectors go outside Curraun area in their fund-raising efforts.
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