Please help us build a place to change!
Sponsor a Block!
In the mid 1990s, thanks to a generous donation from John Griffin, Muintir a’Chorráin were able to purchase the pitch in Bollinglanna on behalf of the community. The pitch provides a safe, well equipped place for anyone in the community to play a range of sports. As well as various Currane teams, it has also played host to Achill Rovers and Mulranny.
But one facility is missing…a place for players to change into their kit before an event, and to shower and change afterwards.
Muintir a’Chorráin, the Currane community development company, hopes to rectify this. Plans have been drawn up for a suitable facility, which will cost in the region of €190,000. We have approached Roinn na Gaeltachta for support in the form of grant aid, and there is a good chance that we will receive 50% of the required sum. Now we need to raise the other €95,000.
We are appealing to the people of Currane, people with roots in Currane and people with an interest in Currane to help.
Various fundraising events are in the planning stages, and details will be released as soon as they are finalised, but you can help us now!
We are asking you to “Sponsor A Block” of the new Dressing Rooms. For €100 you (or your family or group) can become the proud “owner” of one of the concrete blocks that will be used to construct the building.
You will receive a certificate showing your “block number” and your name will be included on a commemorative plaque and on the Appeal website. (If, however, you do not want anyone to know about your generosity, your donation will be treated as “anonymous”).
Please help provide a better facility for our young (and not so young!) sports men and women.
If you can help us, please download, print and complete a donation form (PDF document, requires Acrobat Reader) and return it along with your cheque for €100 (or the equivalent in US$ or UK£). Alternatively you may contact one of the committee members: Mary O’Malley 098-45265, John Joe McNamara 098-45638, Alistair Steger-Lewis 098-45858
Thank you for your help.
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