“Glór na dTonn” – The Pride of Curraun

From the Mayo News, May 11th, 1994
Left to right: Donncha Ó Gallachóir; Deputy Seamus Hughes; Padraic Ó Gallachóir, Cathaoirleach, Glór na dTonn; Minister of State Pat The Cope Gallagher; Archbishop Joseph Cassidy; Very Rev. John Fallon, P.P.; Cllr. Pat Kibane and Rev. Peter Connolly, at the opening of Curraun Community Centre.

BROWN bog, heather-covered mountain, glistening streams, daunting cliffs and crashing waves…all were at their majestic visual best on Friday evening when the proud people of Curraun gathered for the official opening of their new community centre.

Appropriately named “Glór na dTonn”, The Glory of the Waves, the new centre was but a dream only two short years ago. Now it stands as a monument to quite remarkable community endeavour.

Minister of State, Pat The Cope Gallagher, was there to perform the official opening and the new centre was blessed by Archbishop Joseph Cassidy.

“Glór na dTonn” was first conceived in 1979 when a bank account was opened with a lodgement of £350. At the time the completion of such a magnificent centre with a final costing of more than £165,000 seemed light years away.

But the start sparked the spirit of the local community and in the intervening years, and with the support of a number of FAS schemes, a pier was built, a football pitch was developed, the local school was renovated and car parking facilities at the church were provided.

With these projects behind them the community decided just over two years ago that the time had arrived for undertaking the community centre. Imbued with the spirit of self-help which characterised earlier projects they set about fund-raising and utilising the services of various agencies.

The first block was laid by Monsignor Willie Dever, a native of Currane, now ministering in Florida, and Monsignor Dever was back in his native place on Saturday for the official opening of the centre.
Among the many people who paid glowing tributes to the work of the local committee (having earlier partaken of a sumptuous meal prepared by the ladies’ committee) were the Minister, Pat The Cope Gallagher; Archbishop Joseph Cassidy,
Deputy Seamus Hughes, Cllrs. Pat Kilbane and Michael Ring, Monsignor Dever, Beverly Cooper-Flynn. Fr. John Fallon and Fr. Peter Connolly who also doubled as ‘Fear A Ti.’

Duirt an chathaoirleach Padraig Ó Gallchobhair go raibh muintir a Chorrón, broduil agus mortasach as a méid a bhí deanta acu le cuig bliana anuas.

Sé sin Pairc Peile toghta ag mBuaille on Ghleanna, Pairc eile ag teach na scoile, car chlos le clai deas neata ag teach na phobaill., bail curtha ar chlos teach na scoile, an scoil é féin deisithe, go raibh leibh Aith an Aoil dhá oiread níos mo anois na cuig blian o shoin ach gur é tógáil “Glor na dTonn” (an ionod pobail) is mo a chuir bród orthu uilig.

“Tá ais bhrea againn a bheas mar lar ionad ag sean agus óg len ar dteanga, ar gcultúr agus an dulchas a bhain leis an ait a aithbheochan. Beidh fáilte anseo roimh muintir na N-Aite agus muintir an pharóiste.”