I lit a candle today at Mass that the hurricane is not too bad for Ireland and in particular for all of you on the Currane Peninsula.
We are thinking of you.
Love Eileen
We were lucky enough to attend the Good Friday performance. It was a very entertaining evening. So much effort had been put into the production. Those involved should be very proud.
The Group will also be performing at the Ballycroy Community Centre at the later time of 9.00pm on Saturday April 9th (doors open 8.30pm).
Good luck everybody! Break a leg!
I suppose it was inevitable, there have been rumours for the last few years, but it’s very sad news all the same. For the community and for all of the alumni. So soon after the Centenary too. Here’s the story from the Mayo News.
I am writing on behalf of a friend who is looking for somewhere to rent in June and as I know Achill and the Currane area very well, I suggested that Currane might be a very good place to be based. I can only find one holiday home available and wondered if there were more. thank you. best wishes Kate Mount
Dear Sirs,
I am working on a artistic and research project about the cilliní on Achill Island. Last week I visited the Cillin near Clochan ant took fotos, but I didn’t knew about the Cillin on Mewillian.
Plese can you send me information about it: how to find it and probably a foto?
René Böll
• A wall was built around the Cillín at Gob na bPáistí in Mewillian.
I am coming over on the 22nd of June to check out some family history. My dad Eneas McNulty was the son of Aeneas McNulty from Cashel and Maggie Gallagher from The Ards. Her parents were Owen, and Margaret Campbell his parents were Patrick and Mary Padden and hers were Partick and Mary Nolan. My dad lived with Margarets brother Thomas and wife Kitty in Glasilaune and went to school there, he would have been 82 now.
I would like to contact any family members and find out where it was my dad lived.
I would also like to here from any local genealogists.
Thanks and best regards Mick Mcnulty, Glasgow.
PS, nice site.
I am in the process of selling my house here in the UK and I am seriously thinking of buying a house in Achill.
I am a widow in my fifties and I have led a very active life as a social worker and in Adult Education. I have seen a lovely house for sale in Currane.
Come on Dear Friendly folk convince me that i can make friends in your wonderful community. I am Irish and I have a love of the west.
Many Thanks
I look forward to your comments
Mayo: K. Kelly, P. Kelly, D. O’Dea, K. Duignan, P. Coady, B. Prendergast, E. Casey, M. Webb, S. Healy, R. Loftus(0-4), S. Grimes, T. Naughton, A. Regan(0-1), M. Maloney(0-1), L. Brady(0-1). Subs: MJ. Meenaghan, A. Tighe, C. Mortimer(1-0), M. McNicholas(0-1).
Under 30’s Versus Over 30’s
If you were at Griffin Community Park on October Weekend 2000 you would have witnessed history in the making as the Currane Over-30’s fought it out with the Under-30’s in quite difficult conditions in a game of gaelic football. Over all the game was hailed as a success and proposed to be replayed again hopefully sooner rather than later. Well rumour has it that it is to be played this St Stephens Day at Griffin Community Park, Currane. I’m not quiet sure if this rumour is true – I myself would have waited until the New Year because I don’t think the Over 30’s or some of the Under 30’s will be fit to take part on St Stephens Day. So that is what I heard this week on the grapevine but do not take my word for granted, and if you are interested in learning more about this I would urge you to contact the organisers of the previous meeting, Sean Dever and Eamon Joyce.
My View
Hello and Welcome to the Christmas edition of My View. This week’s edition is full of interesting and exciting subjects. Firstly we will start on last weeks subject which was that blasted Hill.
Hill 16 – Should it Stay Or Should It Go?
I was overwhelmed this week with support saying that the Hill should go! Firstly Bob the Builder was on again, saying that it is not the perfect type of image the GAA should be showing in this millennium and he also wanted to say that he would do a state of the art job on the whole stadium for a cheap price. Secondly Bernard Manning e-mailed me and said that the Hill should go it is out of date and looks like something you would have seen in the 60’s. He believes the only people who want to keep it are the Dubs and he added that if the Dubs happen to be on it the day of demolition it would be no real loss. Come on Bernard that’s a bit harsh on the poor Dubs. Last but not least Micheal Bell e-mailed me to say that no matter whether they plan to knock it or not, with the length of time it is taking to complete the construction of Croke Park it will probably be there for another 84 years.
All Ireland Championship Structure
It took me along time to decide what would be the topic up for discussion this week but after a long hard think I decided to bring into the limelight the new structure proposed by the GAA for the All Ireland Championship. I am not quiet sure what the structure is right up to the last detail, but as far as I can make out 4 provincial champions qualify for the Quarter Finals and then the defeated provincial finalists get another chance. I would like to know this week what do you think about this structure will it benefit the game or will it take from it. It’s your call.
E-mail me with YOUR opinion at johnruddy@currane.net, placing ‘My View’ in the subject bar.
Wishing all my readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!!!
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