Ar an 21iú de Deire Fomhar thug an t-Aire Pobal, Tuaílle agus Gaeltachta, Éamon Ó Cuív, cuairt ar an Corrán le Casadh an Taoille, ionad gniomhaíocht, a oscailt go h-oifigiúil.
Chuir Micheál Seoighthe, Cathairleach Mhuintir a’Chorráin, failte oifigiúil roimh an Aire, athreoraí turas den Ionad IT, seomra dochtúra, seomra cruinnithe, cístin agus teach niachán.
Ina dhiaidh sin i Glór na dTónn, labhar an Cathairleach faoi an obair agus ar na feidhmeána eile a chuireadh ar bún le cuig bliana dheag anuas. Chuir sé feabhas ar shaol an phobáil.
Mhól an t-Aire Muintir a’Chorráin ar a gcuid oibre. Nuair a labhair sé faoi bhas Donncha Ó Gallcobhair, bhí gach duine paírtéach leis in a bhrón. D’admhaigh sé an méid obair a rinne Donnchá ar mhaitheas an Chorráin agus an pharáiste nuair a d’eirigh sé as cursaí pólaitiochtá.
Labhair an t-Aire freisin ar eolas ón tuairisc Commisiun na Gaeltachta. Gheall sé cuidiú leis na Gaeltachtaí a bhfuil lág chun an teangá a neartádh agus a chur chun cinn.
Chun bióuchás a ghlacadh leis, bhrón Micheál Seoighthe an t-Aire le pictúir “Breacadh an lae sa Corrán” ó Jane Steger-Lewis.
Tareis an oraíd agus an brontánnas, cás an t-Aire le toscaireacht ó Muintir a’Chorráin a bhí ag cuir siós faoi rudaí atá ag teastaíl sa phobáil cosuil mar boithre, ceibheanna agus teileachumairsáid.
Category: News
Muintir a’Chorráin goes Online!

Minister opens Casadh an Taoille

On Monday 21st October, the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, Éamon Ó Cuív, visited Currane to officially open Casadh an Taoille, our Enterprise Centre.
Rain and wind did not deter a large crowd who came to welcome the Minister to the area.
The Minister was officially welcomed by Mícheál Seoighthe, Chairman of Muintir a’Chorráin, who conducted a tour of the facility: the IT Centre, Doctor’s Surgery, meeting room, kitchen & laundry.
Afterwards, in Glór na dTonn, the Chairman spoke about the facility and how it, along with the other amenities that have been developed in the area in the last 15 years, had enhanced the lives of those in the community.
In his reply, the Minister praised Muintir a’Chorráin for the achievements and the sentiments he expressed on the loss of Donncha Ó Gallchobhair were shared by all those present. He acknow-ledged the central role played by Donncha in the develop-ment of the parish and how unselfishly he committed himself in this field when he retired from the national political scene.
The Minister also spoke of the findings from the Gaeltacht Commission’s report. He promised that every help and support would be given to the weak Gaeltachtaí to promote and strengthen the use of Irish there if that was their wish.
To thank him for visiting, Mícheál Seoighthe presented the Minister with a painting, “Daybreak in Currane,” by local artist Jane Steger-Lewis.
After the speeches and presentation, the Minster met with a delegation from Muintir a’Chorráin to discuss the needs of the community, including roads, piers and telecommunications.
What is Muintir a’Chorráin?

The Directors are elected at the Annual General meeting, which is open to all members of the community. The Directors have a legal responsibility to ensure that the company is solvent and are liable for any debts incurred by the company.
Why have a company?
Any group of people can get together to develop an area. However, most State and EU agencies and NGOs will only provide grant aid to incorporated bodies (companies), so by forming a company we have been able to receive significant amounts of funding that would not otherwise have been available to us. It’s all down to being legally responsible.
So what do we do?
The remit covers any kind of development or activity that would benefit the people of Currane. So, for example, building the community centre and enterprise centre, running a community minibus and sponsoring job initiative and FÁS schemes are some of our achievements.
Current projects include repair of our piers, fighting for a continuation of the FÁS scheme, promoting the Irish language and culture, fundraising for dressing rooms at Griffin Park, and campaigning for upgrades to infrastructure such as roads and the telephone network.
How can you help?
Get involved. Come to the AGM and stand for election to the board or volunteer for a sub-committee. We meet only once a month, and an effort of just a couple of hours a week can make a real difference to all of our lives.
Your community needs you!
Small Firms Christmas Party 2002
The Small Firms Christmas Party took place at the Compass Bar on Sunday December 22nd.
Currane NS at Christmas 2002
The Christmas play at Currane National School took place on December 17th. Father Christmas also paid a visit.
Buy your Currane Calendar 2003

A calendar has been produced to raise funds for Féile Fáilte Abhaile Pobal a’Chorráin 2003. The calendar is in the format of a large poster (610mm deep x 430mm wide) and is printed full colour on high quality stock. As well as practical information about the festival there is also a usable calendar and there are many photographs depicting life in Currane etc.
The calendar will therefore make an excellent christmas gift, giving owners a reminder of Currane to hang on their walls and take pleasure out of every day.
The design work for the calendar was donated free of charge by Special thanks go to Micheál Joyce at Waugh Print, Dublin for printing the calendars. All proceeds go directly to the Fáilte Abhaile committee.
The calendar will be on sale at Currane church following mass on Sunday December 15th.
Ann Sweeney – 14th December 2002
From: Ann Sweeney 14th December 2002
Hi All,
Hope you are all keeping well!!,
Well, what a mad 2 weeks we’ve had. I’m in Alice Springs in the Northern Territory at the moment. Perth was brillant we got to meet and know so many people. The first day we arrived in Perth was roasting we weren’t used to it with our Melbourne weather. We went to see the Perth Mint and how gold is heated down into gold bars, very interesting! The following day we went horse-riding, we had such a laugh my horse was a bit like me, doesn’t like to be controlled!!, He took off in a trot and of course your’e meant to be holding onto the saddle but being so excited my arms ended up around the horses neck and my right foot up in the arm!!, everyone was in the stitches laughing!!, the 3rd trot I was expert at horse-riding ready for show jumping next!!.
We went to check out the famous Irish bar here called the Bog, a great nite was had by all, we never left the dance floor.
The following day we took a ferry to Rottnest Island, we hired out bikes and cycled around the Island, there were some fantastic beaches there, white sand, blue and green waters beautiful scenery, we stayed the nite. We had our own BBQ and camped out . We had great fun.
On the Monday we booked a tour (Easyriders ) to bring us down South of Perth, we had an absolutely great time. We met so many people mostly Irish and Scottish girls. We saw lots of cute little towns along the coast and stopped to sample a few wineries along the way. The wines over here are lovely!!! To top off the evening we had a little champagne as we watched the sun go down, heaven!!! We stopped in a place called Denmark to do some canoeing it was really nice, we managed to see the Solar eclipse here it was amazing, we could see it so clearly.
By Friday we had made it down to a place called Albany to try our luck at surfing. It was the best craic ever, we looked the part anyway!! All I managed was to get to my knees, I tell ya its not easy!!!. I will definitely do it again!! Our instructor was great craic he couldn’t stop laughing at us. Well at least we were some entertainment for somebody. The harder I tried to get on the board the worse I was getting!!!!
We flew back to Melbourne and while on our flight they had a prize for someone who could either sing, or tell a joke so after persuading Helena we went up and sang “Leaving on a jet plane” – Well low and behold, we won the prize which was a nites accomodation in the Darling Harbour in Sydney, so that was a nice surpise so thats where we’ll be over a nite at xmas, its meant to be lovely with a great view of Sydny Opera House, happy days!!!
Came back to Melbourne on Sunday nite and went to work for 3 days. Wednesday, we took an 8 hour bus journey to Adelaide, we took the famous Ghan train to Alice Springs which was 20 hours, so here we are ready to do this big climb of Ayers Rock. Its absolutely roasting here at the moment so tomorrow we’re going on a 3 day tour to see Ayers Rock both at Sunset and sunrise. So looking forward to that. We’re leaving here on Tuesday for that famous 20 hour train journey and then on the bus back to Melbourne so its all go here at the moment . So, thats enough from me your’e probably all tired of reading at this stage!!!
All the best from very hot Alice Springs,
Old Folks Christmas Party 2002
The Currane Old Folks Christmas Party took place at Glór na dTonn on Friday 13th December.
Ann Sweeney – 25th November 2002
From: Ann Sweeney 25th November 2002
Hi All,
Hope all is well, gees I can’t believe its another week again. Time is going by so fast – I wish I could put a stop watch on it!! Had a great time last weekend, 14 of us went out for dinner, we had a great nite and the following day we spent with our adopted Aussie Family drinking some cold beer in their local pub, we finished off the evening listening to Christy Moore, it was grand!! we had as they say over here an awsome day!!
Work is going is great, finally got to meet this millonaire Yank with all the dollars called Steve!!, I got the shock of my life, he’s sooo not what I imagined!!, he’s so casually dressed, old jeans, t-shirt, abit overweight!!, so down to earth, money has not gone to his head, its nice finally to put a face behind the man but no I won’t be trying to charm him!!,
Really looking forward to seeing Perth, we fly next Tuesday at 6am in the morning for 10 days, I’ve got a contact already, one of the guys in the office has a cousin who lives there so I shall be ringing him, my long lost friend!!, so the next time you hear from me I shall be reporting back from Perth so stay close to your computers for some breaking news around the 8th of December, your not allowed to even go shopping on that day!!!
Friday nite I’m going to check out this niteclub that I work for called Zos, they put me on the guest list (VIP treatment only me!!) ya got to have some perks with the job!!, apparently theres only 2 niteclubs in Oz with special dance speakers and this niteclub is one of them so I must “check it out”!!, and don’t worry girls I’ll carry out the sound investigation for ye!!
Saturday we’re going to Phillip Island, its about 2hrs away from Melbourne, we’re going to see some penguins and all that touristy stuff, its meant to be really nice, and Sunday morning we’re all going canoeing in Albert lake, for all you grand prix fans (motor racing!!) this is the lake you will see in the centre of the race track, its really pretty so you can imagine me out rowing on it!!!
Anyway guys thats my plans for the weekend, I’m sure yours are just as good, take care and hurray I’m off to Perth. Sorry!!! I’m just so excited!!!
all the best
Ann from down unda!!
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