A large crowd attended the opening of the Fáilte Abhaile Festival at Glór na dTonn and enjoyed a spirited performance by Sandy Kelly and band. A full bar was provided by Corraun House (The George) and the dancing and reminiscing with old friends continued into the early hours.
Category: News
Bonfire Night
Pol na gCapall had a big turn out for bonfire night. For once the weather was great!
Fáilte Abhaile Festival Events

Fáilte Abhaile Festival closing event tickets.
The closing event of the Fáilte Abhaile Festival will take place on the evening of August 4th at Alice’s. There will be a finger buffet, the band will be Cheers. The event is for over 18’s only and tickets are now available. The price per person is 15.00 euro. Book your tickets now to avoid disapointment. Call Fáilte Abhaile Festival Chairman Margaret Gallagher on (098) 45025.
Sponsored Walk – Welcome Home Festival
Sponsored Walk in aid of the Welcome Home Festival 1/06/03
Blessing of the Boats 2003
The annual Blessing of the Boats took place at Darby’s Point on Saturday 31/5/03. The weather was not great however.
Yawl Racing Dates
Date & Time | Event | Presentation / Venue |
Friday 11th July 7.00pm |
Achill Seafood Festival Race | J Pattens, Derreens |
Saturday 12th July 2.00pm |
Mulranny Mediterranean Heather Festival Cup | Daly’s Mulranny 6.00pm |
Saturday 12th July 3.30pm |
Curraun Fisheries Cup | Dohertys Pub, Mulranny 7.00pm |
Sunday 13th July 3.00pm |
Clare Island Cup | Bay View Hotel, Clare Island |
Saturday 26th July 5.30pm |
Alice Sweeney Memorial Cup | Ostan Oilean Acla, Achill Sound |
Sunday 27th July 6.00pm |
Patrick McLoughlin Memorial Cup | J McLoughlin’s, Achill Sound |
Saturday 2nd August 4.00pm | John F Patten Memorial Cup (in front of The George) |
Compass Bar, Curraun |
Sunday 3rd August | 12.00pm Cleveland/Achill Heritage Cup
1.00pm Official Opening by Her Excellency The Mayoress of Cleveland |
J McLoughlin’s, Achill Sound |
Friday 8th August 3.00pm |
Cowley’s Cottage Restaurant Double Ender Yawl Race (in front of The George) |
The George Bar, Curraun |
Saturday 9th August 3.00pm |
Inishbiggle Festival Race | Inishbiggle |
Sunday 10th August 5.00pm |
Bernard Masterson Memorial Cup | The Way Inn, Tonragee |
Monday 11th August 6.00pm |
John A McNulty Perpetual Cup | Ted Lavelle’s Pub, Cashel |
Tuesday 12th August 6.30pm |
Achill Sound Hotel Cup | Achill Sound Hotel |
Wednesday 13th August 6.30pm |
West Mayo Fishermen’s Co-Op Cup (Achill Sound) | The Way Inn, Tonragee |
Thursday 14th August 7.30pm |
John Corrigan Memorial Cup | Ostán Oileán Acla, Achill Sound |
Saturday 23rd August 4.00pm |
All Girl’s Yawl Race | Achill Sound Hotel |
Sunday 24th August 5.00pm |
Seamus Patten Memorial Cup (Yawl Man’s) | Patten’s Pub, Derreens |
Saturday 6th September 3.30pm |
Patten’s Bar Cup | Patten’s Pub, Derreens |
Sunday 7th September 3.30pm |
Johnny Patten Memorial Cup | Patten’s Pub, Derreen |
Library Update
A big thank-you to everyone who has contributed books to our library. We now have in the region of 2200 books, 75% of which have been donated.
A particular thank-you to Brendan Gallagher and Shirley Madden (USA) who very generously donated money for us to buy new books. These special books are in memory of Sheila Gallagher, Catherine Tom Gallagher, Mary Joyce and James and Margaret Madden.
We are very busy every Wednesday with the children from the school and would love to see other people from the village benefiting from this brilliant facility. All new members are very welcome.
New opening hours for the summer are;
Wednesday – 1-2pm
Friday – 1-2pm.
Ann Sweeney – 7th May 2003
From: Ann Sweeney 7th May 2003
Hi Everyone,
Hope you are all well and happy, apologies for only emailing you all now after 3 weeks in New Zealand but its just been all go, travelling from place to place and taking part in so many activities! I’ve been so tired – so thats my excuse up front!!!,
Well, I have to say, New Zealand is so like Ireland, the scenery is absolutely beautiful throughout the North and South Islands, the mountains and the lakes and waterfalls are all stunning. We started off in Auckland in the North Island where we hired a car and drove further up North to the Bay of Islands. We were very good to ourselves as we booked into a hotel for the night – really nice, overlooking the bays, really nice!
The following day, we went to a place called Rotorua. This place absolutely stank of sulphur – exactly like rotten eggs which I couldn’t get used to!!! Here we watched the local people (maoris) perform a little maori concert, really enjoyed it, especially when they did the hacka!!! From here we went to Taupo. This is the main place where you go to do your skydive and needless to say I couldn’t wait to do it!! It was touch and go because of the rain and cloud cover but the weather picked up, thankfully. The skydive was brilliant and I wasn’t one bit nervous. That is, until I was sitting at the edge of the plane. For a second you think – ‘oh my god, what am I doing?’ but you are pushed out of the plane straight away. Your heart skips a beat, but then the worst is over. The view you have over Lake Taupo is amazing and its so worth it all, its a must to do!!,
From here we went to Tuarangi, where we did, (wait for it!) the Tuarangi Crossing! A 16k hike over an active volcano! What I mean by active is you can still see the hot steam coming from the ground and it was still so hot to touch it was amazing. We walked for 7 hours, so we were pretty stiff the following day!!!
From here we went to Wellington. I really liked it here. It’s a great place for going out!!, From Wellington we took a 3 hour ferry over to the South Island. We then went to Nelson where we did a 4 hour walk through Abel Tasman National Park, again very scenic!!!
From here we went to Greymouth where we decided to go horse riding through the bush and rivers. It was great fun, especially when your horse doesn’t like to be at the back of the group, sticks up his head and goes onto auto pilot to get to the front!!
From here we went to Franz Joseph, really enjoyed it here. This is where you can climb the glacier or you could get a helicopter up to the top. Never having been in a helicopter I decided to do it!! It was brillant, got the best views, the glacier was lovely, but very hard to climb in places!!
From here we went to Makararora, a really small place all of 83 people, here we jet boated down the river going fairly fast and doing some 360 degrees turns great fun!!!
From here we arrive in Queenstown. I think my favourite place of all. The scenery was by far the best, beautiful lakes, snow capped mountains, beautiful trees. I would have loved to have gone skiing but they don’t have snow until June. Queenstown was freezing cold and it actually snowed over the mountains while we there, making it even prettier!! We did a full day trip to Milford Sound, a cruise around a glacier, very scenic,
From Queenstown to my very last stop, Churstchurch. It’s a very nice place – especially Cathedral Square. Here I’m just relaxing. At this stage you feel like you’ve done enough. There is just so much to do and see in New Zealand. Now I think I need a holiday in Fiji!!, so tomorrow I fly out of New Zealand to Fiji for 6 days. I’m looking forward to it. Then it’s on to San Fran for 6 days. I can’t believe its so near the end of my travels. I’ve enjoyed every minute of it all.
So now I must go and pack my bag for tomorrow. I’m wrecked and I’m up at 6am to catch my flight.
Well guys, I hope all is well and I shall be seeing you all real soon!!,
all the best,
Suzanne Kelly – 1st May 2003
From: Suzanne Kelly 1st May 2003 (suzyq4@bigpond.com)
I have just finished reading all the information on your site.
My Great Grandparents were James Sheerin and Martha Lendrum they were born about 1832-1835 . James was a schoolteacher and farmer on Innisbiggle, so far I have not been able to find where he was born but he married Martha around 1849 no marriage date has been found they had nine children;
Alexander , James, Mary ann, Andrew, Maggie , Kate , William Lily and George. Four of these children emigrated to Australia.
Marthas family had been on Achill since the 1700’s .
Marthas parents were with the Achill mission and also ran the printing shop for the Achill Herald at Dugort and a flax mill on Innisbiggle. There were records of seven Lendrum families on Achill and Lendrums are mentioned in Griffiths as leasing land from the Achill mission .
One of James and Marthas sons may have drowned in 1869 a William.
James died 1905 buried Dugort
Martha died 1917 buried Dugort no marker has been found for their graves
Have you come across any of these names in your research, I would be very interested.
Thank You
Suzanne Kelly
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