From: Margaret and Ian Mayes ( 7th June 2002
Here are some photos that may be useful for your web site. The ruin of a cottage was my grandmothers house and we spent many happy hours there as small children.
My Father Thomas was killed in the last week of the Second World War, leaving my Mother to bring up four young children.
The eldest, Celia went to live with Grandma until she went off to America and became a nun.
We were all lucky enough to come to Currane last May and we spent a lovely holiday together, with many laughs.
I do hope that Biddy will be selected for Person of the Month soon as she will be 100 years old this year. I have included a lovely picture of her.
Do try and get some pictures of the Compass for the web site.
Margaret and Ian Mayes, Sittingbourne, Kent, UK.
Category: People
Carole Agnes – 10th March 2002

Well, what a surprise this morning when we read the Sunday paper. In the magazine there is a full page article about Mayo ! There are 3 photos – one of Cong (that’s far enough away from Currane), one of Thomas McLoughlin (archeologist and guide on Achill Island, getting closer) and one of Carrickdawnet (you can actually see Currane in the background). Thank God there is no mention of Currane itself. They mention Nephin Beg, Croagh Patrick, the “forest” of islands in Clew Bay, Newport, Westport, Ballina, Castlebar (the Turlough museum which they say is more for Irish people themselves than for tourists), and Cong. Hopefully the dreaded hordes of tourists will skirt around Currane and leave the place in peace. They say that Mayo is not yet as well known as Connemara and Donegal but that the ambitious Mayo tourist office is doing its best to change that.
See you in August
Carole and Co
Carole Agnes – 10th March 2002

Mulranny at high tide – each sheep on its own little island !
In France there is a category of lamb called “agneau de pré salé” i.e. “salty meadow lamb”. I’ve never tasted it because there is not a lot of it around and it is relativeley expensive. The theory of it is that the sheep graze on land which is regularly flooded by salty sea water at high tide and this apparently gives a special taste to the meat. I reckon most of your local sheep (and also some of the cows) would qualify for this category.
John Ruddy – 9th March 2002

A photo of Tommy and Joey Moran and Thomas Ruddy which was taken at the Stamford Gaa Annual Dinner Dance in Stamford Connecticut. Tommy was Guest Speaker on the occasion as he was honoured for his work with the club. Frankie Sweeney, Ciaran Gallagher, Terence Gallagher, John Ruddy and Ronan O Malley were thanked on the night for their involvement in the club last summer. Thomas Ruddy was also welcomed into the Club on the night.
Treasa Walsh – 7th March 2002
From: Treasa Walsh ( 7th March 2002
Some pics of the children’s angling taken last year. Also one of Bud a Mhanaigh off Clare Island.The Angling Competion was held in August of last year. They fished in Clew Bay & around Clare Island. The weather was not very nice as you can see from the boats at Achill Beg which is fairly sheltered.
All the locals will know the meaning of Bud a’ Mhanaigh. The old fishermen, named it as the fishing wasn’t too good. They decided it was as useful as a Monk’s you know what!
Grá Treasa
Matthias Rübben – 25th February 2002
From: Matthias Rübben ( 25th February 2002
My name is Matthias and I live in Germany, close to the Dutch border. I’ve been to Ireland a several times. Last year in August we stayed in Currane. It was a beautiful holiday in a beautiful area. We met some nice and warmhearted people there. We stayed in a lovely little cottage overlooking the bay. The children ask nearly every day : ” When do we go back to Currane ? ” I hope we’ll come back in August. I’ve send you some photos I took last year. I would be happy to see them on the Currane website. I watch your daily photo and the currane weather nearly every day. It is great, thank you. My best wishes to the Currane people, especially to Mary and Paddy Ryder, who made our stay so comfortable and unforgetable.
Thanks Matthias, Elke & children.
Breedge Leyland – 25th February 2002
From: Breedge Leyland ( 25th February 2002
I am forwarding you some photos Andrew and I took at the weekend, we went to an Irish Gaels award – i.e awards for Gaelic football. It was a good night. I met up with Brendan Gallagher and his wife Diane – “Muintir a Chorrain in Seattle” the event took place on Feb 9th. It was to celebrate the Gaelic Football awards to the Seattle team. There was a meal and music by Black Molly and a good night was had by all as you can tell by my glass of Baileys, I won’t say what number glass it was. The Counsul General of Ireland in San Francisco, Donal Denham was there to present the awards.
Also, we went ot Snowqualmie pass yesterday. Its about 25 miles from where we live so we took a drive up its hard to believe the difference in 25 miles from glorious weather to 20ft of snow!
A big hi to eveyone in Currane.
Micëal Ruddy – 21st February 2002
Micëal Ruddy ( 21st February 2002
Here are some pictures of my skiing holiday in Banff Canada. Also pictured are Mary Ruddy, Mark Ruddy, Patricia Ruddy, John Fitzpatrick, Angela Fox, Matthew Byrne, Hoppy, Simon, Maria and our Ski instructor Jesse. We have made Jesse and Honorary Currane citizen and carried out our own Person of the Month interview with him;
Name: | Jesse Randall |
Age: | 21 |
Where is home? | Barom, La Pampa, Argentina. |
Your family? | Mother, Father & 2 Brothers, William & Kieran. |
What do you do? | I’m a student of Business & during the holidays I’m a ski instructor. |
What so far has been your best moment in your life? | Climbing in the Himalayas. |
What has been your funniest moment with this group? | Hoppy’s fall in to the igloo. |
Favourite sport: | Skiing! |
Where did you go to school? | Buenos Aires , St George’s . |
Favourite music: | Reggae. |
Favourite T.V. programme: | I don’t watch T.V…. |
Where have you travelled to? | Everywhere except Africa & Australia, I’ve been to Dublin. |
What is your favourite football team? | Boca Juniors. |
Who taught you the Siege of Ennis? | Trish. |
Who was your worst skiier? | Johnny. |
Will you ever visit Currane? | Yes, If I’m in the area. |
Patrick Fallon – 4th February 2002

This picture “Last light of the century” was taken
on Dec 31st 1999 from my mother’s house in Ards.
I was assisted by my niece Christina Rimoldi .
Slán go fóil.
Patrick Fallon.
Carole Agnes 16th January 2002

Hope you like the enclosed photo, taken from the George
car park a couple of years ago
See you all in August
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