Framed, mounted prints by a local artist are available for sale in The George, price 45 Euro each. 10 Euro from the sale of each picture will be donated to the Currane dressing rooms appeal.
Author: Jane
Patch Madden
Named in honour of the legendary Madden family dog, is the family web site. Set up by Allan McAdam, the site includes photo galleries which will be of interest to anybody with a connection to Currane. The site also includes a link to, Allan’s own business, selling long lasting, environmentally friendly and ecconomical LED lighting solutions.
The George web site
The George finally has it’s own web site including a picture gallery. It can be found at:
Remember, we are happy to include information about any local business on Just speak to Jane or email her here.
Images of the past
Ju Ju Anderson has kindly decided to share her photographs of life at Corraun House in the 1930’s with us. Ju Ju is the daughter of William and Annie Anderson. William was once the gardener at Corraun House when it was still owned by the Dickens family.
Springtime in Currane
Tommy Campbell – 4th March 2005

Can anyone name the men in this picture. Third from the left is my father Tommy Campbell and first left is my uncle Sonny Campbell, both from Belfarsad
Tommy Campbell
Maura and Jim Murray – 5th October 2004
From: Maura and Jim Murray ( 5th October 2004
Hi All,
Just want to say a sincere Thank You to the people of Currane for all the good wishes extended to Aisling and Eneas on the occasion of their wedding in Our Lady Queen of the Universe Church on 30 July this year. Jim and I would like to say a special thanks to all our friends and neighbors in Bollinglanna who came out to wave and greet the wedding at it passed through the village. We were blessed with the weather, the sun shone for the whole day leaving us with some treasured pictures of our scenic coastline.
Maura & Jim Murray
Meredith Baker – 30th July, 2004
Meredith Baker, 30th July, 2004
Thank you everyone for taking us into your homes in hearts while we mourned Joey Moran last month.
Especially we thank Joey’s family. We could have never got through this sad experience without all of you!
Elizabeth, Josie and soon to be Emmett (as well as Judy, Roy, Maryalice and Meredith) will never forget each and every one of you.
We could have not asked for a better and more supportive group of people.
We hold each of you in our hearts as we did Joey!
God bles you all!
The Baker Family (Connecticut)
Tracey Masterson – 9th June, 2004
From: Tracey Masterson, 9th June, 2004
Hello to everybody in Currane,
Here are some of the photos that I took at the wedding of Mary Ruddy and Adrian O’Donnell on 29/5/04 and in the following days.
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