Alistair Steger-Lewis (2001)

This interview took place in 2001:
Al (as he’s known to his friends) recently became chairman of the Achill IT committee.
He has lived in Currane since May 2000.
Al in 2001
Name: Alistair Steger-Lewis
Age: 37
Tell us a little about your family and links with the area: My wife is Jane, whose mother was born in Currane. My parents live in Southsea, UK. I have a sister who lives in Honduras teaching scuba diving and training dolphins, and a brother who is currently in Thailand training to be a scuba dive master.
Tell us a little about your employment history and professional life: I studied electrical engineering at King’s College London, graduating in 1989. I started my career with a small DTP Bureau and Publishing Systems Integrator in Fulham, south-west London, initially in the bureau but moving into systems engineering after a year. I worked my way up to Engineering Manager, then the company went bust! Several freelance and short-term jobs later (including a spell at Harrods) I moved to Associated Newspapers (Daily Mail, Evening Standard etc.). Nearly five years passed by, after which I went to the Guardian for a year before moving to Currane. My wife, Jane, and I now run our own business offering a wide variety of services including web/internet development, publishing consultancy, graphic design and general ITC consultancy.
What do you like about Currane? The people/community, scenery, lifestyle & priorities.
What is your favourite view in the area? The view across Clew Bay to Clare Island
What is your favourite time of year? Spring, with all its promises of growth and regeneration; crisp, clear days lengthening towards summer; the calm before the tourist season starts. There is no bad time of year, and I love a powerful storm!
Is there anything you would like to change about Currane? I’d like to see a telephone exchange in Currane so we could all have a decent phone service and benefit from high speed technologies as they become available.
It’s be nice to see less litter in the countryside and the sea.
Tell us about your role on the IT Committee and community work in general. When Jane and I moved here we wanted to become involved in community development. We talked to the late Denis Gallagher about it and he arranged for us to join the Achill IT Committee in January 2001.
The IT Committee is part of the Achill Local Development Company and is responsible for running two IT Centres, one in rented offices the former school in Crumpaun, Keel, and one in Currane, in a room rented from Muintir a’ Chorrain, the Currane Development Company. These centres were set up to train the people of the parish in Information and Communication Technologies with the aim of both enhancing employment prospects for individuals and attracting businesses to the parish.
In October I was asked to take on the role of Chairman of the committee. Of course I didn’t hesitate!
There are many challenges ahead. The IT Centres have been running since 1998 and in that time over 2000 trainees have taken advantage of the courses. We must now move on to the next stage, to proactively encourage businesses to start up or locate in the parish and to offer higher-level or ‘next-step’ courses. We are working with other groups and state agencies in an attempt to set up an Business Centre where enterprising individuals and groups can start up businesses, receiving support and sharing costs. We are looking at ways of expanding our protfolio of training courses. We are embarking on several social projects that we hope will benefit the parish in their own right as well as stimulating economic activity.
We are delighted that, in the last week, we have succeeded with an application for funding under the Social Economy Program, which will directly create 5 jobs focussed on driving forward our development program.
Jane and I are also on the board of Muintir a’ Chorrain and hope to play a part in developments within Currane, in particular in relation to telecommunications.
Is there a place that you enjoyed traveling to? Australia was quite an experience, though best enjoyed when you’re young! Skiing in the USA was fabulous. Amsterdam was fun. But Venice for our honeymoon was the best place I’ve been: the opulent luxury of a fine hotel, meals on the Grand Canal, and so much culture!
Do you have a favourite type of music? 70s/80s ‘pop’, especially glam-rock and Abba! I’m also ather partial to Pink Floyd, Dire Straits and ‘heavy metal’ from the 70s and early 80s. Actually my tastes are quiet varied, though Jane is not too keen on most of my choices!
Favourite song: It’s a tough choice. Something by Pink Floyd, Dire Straits, Abba or the Carpenters maybe. ‘Music Was My First Love’ by John Miles always makes the hairs on my neck tingle, and for passion and pride it’s hard to beat ‘Flower of Scotland’, ‘Jerusalem’ or especially ‘Ireland’s Call’.
Favourite drink: Guinness in the pub and good coffee elsewhere.
Favourite food: Haggis, game and kebabs!
Favourite night out: A night in the George – always a warm welcome, good company and great Guinness.
Favourite sports: Rugby, F1 Motor Racing.
Favourite teams: Rugby: Harlequins and England; Munster & Ireland.
F1: McLaren, Williams, Jordan.
Any plans for the year ahead and the future? To build a house, develop our business to a point where we are profitable, and to work with local groups to develop Currane and Achill – especially the telecommunications in Currane.